Based on the Financial Services Authority Regulation Number 39 / POJK.03 / 2019 concerning the Implementation of Anti-Fraud Strategies for Commercial Banks, Anti-Fraud Management presents informative videos for all stakeholders of Bank Mestika in order to raise awareness of the risk of Fraud and mutual support in eradicating Fraud in the banking environment. Have a good time watching.
In our effort to serve and protect our dear customers and stakeholders from the abuse of banking service and infrastructure, in which will effect loss, we would like to provide some tips for customer awareness agaisnt any fraudulent activities, to protect yourself, and increase prudential culture in your banking activities.
Fraud defines as misappropriation or abuse and wrongful or criminal deception, manipulation acts against Bank, customers or other parties, internally or externally, with the misuse of banking service and infrastructure, intended to result directly or indirectly, financial or personal gain.
Type of fraud : forgery, embezzlement, banking criminal acts, identity theft, and other actions equal to those banking crimes.
Here are some Customer Awareness tips :
- Guard your saving book, ATM card and your PIN, your time deposit proof, cheque or giro book, your SDB key, by keeping in the safe place, and do not entrust it to other person and not even to the individual represents as bank employee.
- When receiving new transaction instruments of current account from Bank employee, such as your cheques and or giro book, please ensure it is correct with sequential numbers and attached with receipt and request form for new chequebook. ( Each book consist of 25 piece of cheques / giro + 2 forms ).
- If your cheques / giro is lost or stolen, please immediately report to us.
- Always write cheques / giro using non-erasable ink pens, typewriters or printers - never pencil.
- Ensure writing the amount in both numbers and letters in your cheque / giro as far in the allotted space as possible and draw a line through the unused space of the letters and numbers to prevent addition / modification.
- Ensure and review your account balance and guard your validated receipt after conducting financial transactions or after conducting other bank activities before leaving the Bank.
- Do not give any power of attorney to unfamiliar person or Bank employee, to conduct financial transactions with Bank.
- In loan activities with Bank, properly store the receipt of your facility/ies' collateral.
- Always reconcile your bank accounts in a timely manner.
- Please make sure you know and understand the purpose of revealing any personal information or sign any forms requested by Bank employee.
- Do not :
- Share you PIN / password to other person and or to Bank employee,
- Use the same PIN / password for sites,
- Write your PIN / password down.
- Change your PIN / password periodically.
- Choose a PIN / password that is different from your address, telephone number, Identity card number, birth date, and avoid toher easily compromised numbers or words as your PIN / password.
- Be aware of your surroundings when using ATM and avoid revealing your PIN to the person behind / beside you while typing it on ATM
- In your relationship with our employees, please be informed that :
- Our employees are prohibited to request or accept any gifts or commission, money or goods due to service provided to our customers and or our stakeholders.
- Our employess have to safeguard the secrecy of customer records and information, and prohibited to share any customer information to other parties without consent of Bank Management.
For more information, questions, or indications and whistleblowing, please contact :
SKAI & Fungsi Penerapan Anti Fraud
PT. Bank Mestika Dharma Tbk
Jl.H.Z.Arifin No.118 Medan 20152
Tel. (061) 4525800 (Hunting)
Ext. 1804, 1805
or Email :
[email protected]