Deposito Valas

  • Overview
  • Requirements
  • Additional Information

Foreign currency deposit account of Bank Mestika is a term deposit whose withdrawal can only made at particular time. Bank Mestika offers foreign currency deposit accounts in USD and SGD with a variety of interest rates that suit the client’s investment purposes.

The foreign currency deposit account of Bank Mestika has the following benefits:

  1. The client is free to choose the periods : 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, 12 months, and 24 months.
  2. The interest can be transferred to the client’s savings account at Bank Mestika.
  3. Automatic Roll Over (ARO)– automatic renewal of deposit account
  4. Is able to be used as collateral.

Saving Deposito Foreign Exchange (USD / SGD)

  1. The client shall have a minimum deposit of $ 1.000,-
  2. The client shall a savings account at Bank Mestika.
  3. The client shall complete an Account Opening Form and Personal Data Form.
  4. The client shall present a valid original identity card (resident identification card/KTP, driving license, temporary work permit/KITAS or permanent work permit/KITAP.
  5. The client shall present the taxpayer registration number (NPWP).
  6. The client shall sign an adequately stamped declaration letter for those without NPWP.
  7. Corporate clients shall submit:
    • Resident identification card (KTP) of manager.
    • Taxpayer registration number (NPWP) of company.
    • Company establishment certificate.
    • Business license.
    • Business registration.
    • Nuisance permit.
    • Decree of the Minister (ratification of the company establishment certificate).
  8. The term deposit certificate is only valid at the issuing Bank Mestika office.
  9. The term deposit certificate is not transferable.
  10. In the absence of notification from the client up to 2 (two) days before the maturity date, the bank shall perform ARO for the same period of time with the interest rates prevailing at the time of rollover.
  11. The bank is not obliged to issue a notification for deposit renewal without the client’s request.
  12. Non-cash deposit, including but not limited to check and letter clearings, is authorized when accepted by the bank.

Overview of Product and Service (General) Foreign Currency Time Deposit for Business/Legal Entities Download Here
Overview of Product and Service (General) Foreign Currency Time Deposit for Individual Download Here

Resiko Produk

  1. Pencairan sebelum jatuh tempo akan dikenakan pinalti 1% dari nominal deposito dan bunga berjalan tidak dibayarkan.
  2. Biaya pembatalan pembukaan Rekening Deposito Rp 100.000,- per bilyet.
  3. Jika Bilyet Deposito hilang, maka nasabah wajib melapor kepada pihak berwajib untuk mengurus penutupan rekening deposito di Bank.

Setiap perubahan syarat dan ketentuan dan/ atau biaya-biaya yang berhubungan dengan produk tersebut akan diberitahukan oleh Bank melalui media elektronik dan/ atau media pengumuman dan/ atau pengiriman pos tercatat dan/ atau pengiriman melalui kurir (ekspedisi) dan/ atau disampaikan secara langsung melalui telepon. Pengiriman melalui pos tercatat atau kurir (ekspedisi) dianggap sudah diterima oleh nasabah setelah 7 (tujuh) hari kalender sejak tanggal pengiriman.

For more information call us MestikaCall 14083 or visit our nearest branch.