Safe Deposit Box

  • Overview
  • Requirements
  • Additional Information

Services Safe Deposit Box (SDB) is a storage box rental services and property or valuables such as jewelery, documents and / or securities that are placed in a specially designed room of steel, resistant unloading, and fireproof for provide security for its users.

Term and condition to rent SDB:

  1. Operational hour of Safe Deposit Box (SDB) can be done during workdays from 08:30 to 14:30 WIB.
  2. Submit original and valid ID (KTP, SIM, Passport, KIMS/KITAS or KITAP).
  3. The operational hours of Safe Deposit Box (SDB) are on weekdays from 08.30 to 15.30 Western Indonesian Time.
  4. The client shall present a valid original identity card (resident identification card/KTP, driving license, temporary work permit/KITAS or permanent work permit/KITAP.
  5. The client shall a savings account at Bank Mestika.
  6. The rental period is 1 (one) year and can be renewed.
  7. The client shall sign a sufficiently stamped Safe Deposit Box (SDB) rental contract.
  8. With the bank’s approval, the client can delegate his authority to the third party by completing a form provided by the bank.
  9. The client shall sign a sufficiently stamped power of attorney for account debit.
  10. Rental costs shall be debited from the client’s account.
  11. Expired contracts shall be automatically renewed by the bank is there is no notification from the client to end the contract.
  12. If the client cancels the contract before it is due, the rent is not refundable.
  13. The Safe Deposit Box (SDB) cannot be subrented, transferred, sold or pawned.
  14. The Safe Deposit Box (SDB) cannot be used to keep items banned by the law and/or government and/or other regulations, including but not limited to solid, liquid or gas chemicals that may harm or damage the Safe Deposit Box (SDB), building, life and the surrounding.
  15. Visits to the Safe Deposit Box (SDB) vault can only be made by the client or his attorney.
  16. Any notifications regarding the client shall be conveyed in writing.
  17. If the client passes away, the administrative settlements for closing the Safe Deposit Box (SDB) by the heir shall conform to the prevailing laws.

Rental Rates Safe Deposit Box :

  1. Key deposit : Rp 1.000.000,-
  2. Lost card : Rp. 10.000,-
  3. SDB rent ( per year )
    • Small : Rp 350.000,- +11% Tax
    • Medium : Rp 550.000,- +11% Tax
    • Large : Rp 700.000,- +11% Tax
  4. Late renewal fee
    • 7 – 30 days late : fined 25% of the rent
    • 30 – 60 days late : fined 30% of the rent
    • More than 60 days late : fined 100% of the rent
  5. Safe Deposit Box tampering fee :
  6. Rp 1.000.000,- for the clients request due to lost or damaged.
  7. Rp 5.000.000,- for breach of contract by the client.

Overview of Product and Service (General) Safe Deposit Box Download Here

Product Risk

  1. The client shall be charged extra costs for lost/damaged keys and/or tampering.
  2. The client shall be fined for late rent payment.
  3. If the rent is overdue for more than 90 days, the bank has the right to tamper the client’s Safe Deposit Box (SDB).
  4. In any condition, the bank is not responsible for any losses/damages to the items kept in the Safe Deposit Box (SDB).
  5. The bank has the rights to replace the rented Safe Deposit Box (SDB) with a Safe Deposit Box (SDB) appointed by the bank or terminate the rent due to maintenance or other inevitable reasons and the rent shall be refunded pro rata.

For more information call us MestikaCall 14083 or visit our nearest branch.