Overview of Product and Service (General) Tabungan Mestika Batik Download Here
Product Risk
- When the saving book is lost, then:
- Customer must close the account at the origin office where customer opens the account.
- Customer must sign a document which clarifies the lost saving book with sufficient stamp.
- Customer must open a new saving book as long as customer still joins the program with the cash back gift.
- If customer cancels the program with cash back gift before the due date of blocking, then customer must return the amount of nominal cash back which had been accepted.
- Bank has the right to block account anytime according to bank judgment because of account’s incompatibility with its profile.
- Free monthly administration fee.
- Auto debit fee is Rp. 2.200, - per monthly billing.
- OD Safe Guard & Sweep fee is Rp 1.000,- per transaction.
- Cumulative transaction printout is Rp. 10.000, - per page
- Account closing fee is Rp. 100.000, -
For more information call us MestikaCall 14083 or visit our nearest branch.