Tax Payment Facility

  • Overview
  • Requirements
  • Additional Information

Offers convenience for taxpayers to make tax payments on time

Bank Mestika currently offers convenience for taxpayers to make tax payments on time with several advantages:

  1. Accept tax payments and SSPCP CNS either in cash or non-cash (current transfers)
  2. Both customers and non-customers can make tax payments on bank offices Mestika
  3. There is no minimum limit transaction tax payments
  4. There is no charge any administration for both customers and non customers.
  5. Opening tax payments can be made until 14:50 pm at the central office (118 Jl. Zainul Arifin, Medan) and at 13:50 pm on Capem offices and branch offices of Bank Mestika in Indonesia

For more information call us MestikaCall 14083 or visit our nearest branch.